Complete consulting services in lithology characterization and modeling
Using a combination of commercial and proprietary tools, SeisPetro’s workflows integrate data from different sources to characterize and model the reservoir lithology, from quality control of seismic processing to high-resolution geologic models.
Seismic processing quality control
Interact with seismic data processor on behalf of the client to make sure processing goals are achieved.
Prestack data preconditioning
Basin enhancement of prestack data in preparation for AVO analysis and prestack inversion. QC preconditioning results with synthetic models
Seismic interpretation
Horizon and fault interpretation from 2D and 3D seismic data. Specialized in consistent horizon interpretation from multicomponent data.
Velocity modeling and time-depth conversion
Surface modeling based on interpreted horizons. Construction of 3D velocity models based on time-depth pairs, surfaces, and well tops from few to hundreds of wells, including horizontals. Time-depth conversion of seismic derived information. "Depth-depth" rescaling modeling and conversions for depth migrated data to honor well tops.
Seismic constrained geological modeling
Construction of geologic grids based on horizons and faults. Monte Carlos and stochastic facies modeling constrained by seismic facies probabilities. Porosity and permeability modeling based on facies distribution. Upscale to flow simulation.
Petrophysics and rock physics analysis
Full petrophysical modeling or QC of existing results. Advanced multimineral analysis. Detailed rock physics analysis of elastic response at log scale from vertical and horizontal wells.
Spectral decomposition
CWT (Continuous Wavelet Transform) and DFT (Discrete Fourier Transform) based spectral decomposition for frequency enhancement. Analysis of spectral decomposition results for porosity, fluid, and stratigraphic mapping.
Seismic inversion
Poststack and prestack, conventional and multicomponent. Inversion workflows tailored to specific needs calibrated to vertical and horizontal wells.
Facies probability analysis and error estimation
Facies mapping based on opinion polls theory . The input can be inversion or spectral decomposition results from conventional and/or multicomponent data. Estimation of reliability and margin of error based on log derived facies indicators. Use facies data from wells with any trajectory (vertical, deviated, or horizontal). For mode details, please watch this video.