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Unconventional Optimization


From seismic and geomechanics data to recovery optimization

Natural fractures and stress orientation can impact the flow and the variability of the pressure field around hydraulically fractured wells.  We developed a workflow build permeability models for flow simulation constrained by 3D seismic, geologic data and concepts, geomechanics observations, and dynamic data.

Fracture information from seismic

Use 3D poststack seismic attributes to generate volumes of natural fracture orientations and intensity calibrated with independent fracture data. Click here for more details.

Hydraulic fracture configuration

Using concepts developed from applications specialized in hydraulic fracture modeling (like ResFrac® or Gohfer®), generate  elliptically shaped hydraulic fractures that capture those variations either for a few stages or the whole well. 

Permeability models

Identify reactivated natural fractures, estimate permeability enhancements, and upscale continuous fracture model to effective permeability models, perm anisotropy, sigma, and other inputs to flow simulation. Rank scenarios for different hydraulic fracture configurations. 

3D stress models

Use stress measurements or existing volumes that consider 3D variability in pore pressure, Shmin, or rock types to generate 3D grids of geomechanical parameters or proxies. 

Natural fracture reactivation

For given seismic derived natural fractures orientations, 3D stress field, hydraulic fractures geometry, and fluid pressures, analyze the likelihood of reactivation of natural fractures using Mohr-Coulomb faulting theory.  No DFN required.

Dual media flow simulation

Perform fast flow modeling to estimate initial production, stimulated reservoir volume (SRV), and expected recovery for different scenarios.




Quick comparison with other commercial applications

Our workflow
Other applications
Fractures modeled
Reactivated natural fractures (NF) in shear. No detailed modeling of hydraulic fractures (HF)
Detailed hydraulic fractures (HF) in tension (ResFrac®, Gohfer®). If NF are used, a discrete model is required.
Model of natural fractures
Continuum from seismic data (no DFN required).
DFN required (FracMan®)
Input data and dimensionality
3D stress field, rock properties and NF orientations from seismic. Models of HF geometry and perm.
1D variations in stress and rock properties (ResFrac®). Other are allow 3D inputs of these parameters (Gohfer®). Stimulation and completion parameters.
Modeling of NF permeability within SRV for different HF designs and assumptions sbout stress.
Modeling HF geometry and properties for given input. Evaluation different HF desings.
Flow simulation-ready dual permeability models of reservoir from continuum fractures models.
HF models (not simulation-ready). Dual perms models of reservoir from discrete fracture models.
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